Maliyaat blog
New Philosophy to stress management

New Philosophy to stress management

Do you know stress is the cause of almost 90% of all our diseases? It is the major contributor in reducing the life span of people and is regarded as one of the deadliest of conditions you can have. This is because all types of diseases stem from this emotional or energetic pressure that we apply on ourselves. It is the cause behind heart attacks, kidney failures, lung failures, stemming of other neurological diseases etc. The more we grow old, the more our body is unable to take the pressure. Unfortunately, as we grow old we end up taking more responsibilities which in turn increases stress further.

If you Google, you will find hundreds of informative articles on how to manage, prevent and control stress which are a useful read. However, my discussion here is to go a bit further into the reason as to why do we have stress in the first place and how can we eradicate it completely so that we need not manage it any longer. This will help us not only in managing stress but eradicating it completely. This brings us to our first question:

Why do we feel stressed? We feel stressed in our lives when we believe that something is important or rather too important. That ‘something’ can be anything, from occurrence of an event or having of a possession to fear of losing something etc.

However, if we look deeply, our second question should be: “Who is attaching that importance to it? And why?”…. its YOU! and the reason is some mind made concept.

Understanding the reasons behind attachment of the importance can give you full control of whether you would like to take that stress or not.

E.g. you start feeling stressed that a promotion opportunity has come along and you didn’t get it. Start asking you why was the promotion important to you in the first place? Was it because you wanted money or because you wanted recognition? The question will be why do you want money? Or why do you want recognition?

Let us consider each of these separately.

Desiring Promotion for Recognition:

Ok, this is a very interesting reason that we wanted promotion for recognition. It is interesting because we don’t’ realize the things we say we want. Let us break down the word “recognition”

The definition of the word is “acknowledgement of the existence, validity, or legality of something”

Do you realize that the moment you say that you want recognition; you are also saying you are not already recognized? You already do not exist? Or that you already are not validated?

This directly projects on your self-worth and not really on how you were not given that promotion.

In actual, you want recognition from your own self not the people at the office. This inner desire is to get validation from your soul and not from the people around you. The validation from other people will be a great story, no doubt, but it’s not your truth. We don’t’ realize the difference and thereby spend all our lives trying to please one person or the other. The truth is that the people who have known their worth from day one are the ones who have done things differently in their lives and have not listened to people around them. You know why? Because they are not doing anything to prove anything to anyone. They just know it. They are doing it because it’s something they want to do.

Elon Musk when asked about his tesla project, he said

I was only 40% sure that this will work”.

This means that he was 60% sure that the idea is not going to work. 60% means the odds were quite gravely against him. So if he wanted to do it to prove something to the world, he never would have started it.

Desiring Promotion for Money:

Money is important. If you need it for some genuine reason, say because you want to start a family or there is actually a need for more money in the family, then the money shortage can stress you. But here what the interesting part is. If the money is fated for you, you will get it from one place or the other even without asking. You will be sucked by the universe in the new direction where money is waiting for you. However, if you aren’t destined to have it, then you are not going to get it and stressing on it won’t help. The things that will help are to release the emotions that are creating scarcity for you. Negativity is the only staller of good luck.

If you will allow yourself to be open to other ideas for money to come to you, the money will come to you no matter what. Because the truth is, there is no scarcity of anything in the world. We ask from God and He gives us, but we need to be open to His ways of giving us.

I usually focus on things that I need from money, then the money itself. Because it’s not really the money that you want but the things that money can buy for you… When you have this approach, you are very focused, because you know what you want from life and you ask that from the universe and by being ready for it, you get it.

To conclude, understanding the reasons behind the stress and detaching importance from those reasons is the way to completely eradicate the stress from ever appearing in that area in your life. If nothing helps, understand whatever it is that you feel is important, is really not important, because whatever it is that you feel stressed about, you have the power to change it. The other most important thing we should always remember is that whatever happens in our life there is a reason behind it. Even if it appears to be something bad, it is always a blessing in disguise that we don’t’ seem to understand at that part of our journey. It’s only when we look back in our lives that we are able to join the dots and understand the bigger picture.

Failure has been a fuel and a teacher for so many inspiring personnel. We all know how many times the owner of Ali Baba, Jack Ma, was rejected from a job interview. More than 30 times! He was the only person rejected by KFC out of 29 candidates who appeared for the job interview. He was frustrated, yes, but he dint’ take these events as the end of his life and accepted himself as a failure. When doors kept closing down on him, he kept moving in other directions to open some more. Finally, he landed up with an amazing idea and became one of the top ten billionaires of this century.

So closing doors are always a sign, don’t ignore them. Let’s learn from them and keep moving.