Corporate Training
Owner’s Knowledge Gap:
Do you know an average CEO reads 5 books a month, that’s how important self-development and training is. The SME’s and Individual business owners are experts of what they are delivering to the society however, they sometimes struggle in better positioning themselves to find the right customers, where to sell the product, how to find the right markets, who are their target customers and target markets, is the product a right fit for them, how should they approach these customers and who should they need in this respect, in short, forming strategic business plan. Therefore, Maliyaat Business Consultancy offers them training and teach them self-development techniques. It is a competitive market out there, however, no competition is bigger than the one we have with ourselves. As business requires constant improvements and dynamic shifts and so does the person behind it. Your business is nothing but a reflection of who you are and therefore, we believe strongly in continuous training and self-development. We do it ourselves as well.
Employee’s Knowledge Gap:
SME’s and Sole proprietors usually hire smart but inexperienced individuals who require constant guidance and supervision. This not only wastes a lot of time of the business owners, it also creates frustration for them and the staff members. This happens because hiring a highly experienced individual will be not as cost effective at the moment. However, the same people if trained properly, given a system and standardized procedures to follow might be able to produce better results in less time, subsequently increasing your revenue and customer satisfaction. Therefore, Maliyaat Business Consultancy offers Employee training in various areas, from book keeping, financial reporting, tax return submissions, social media marketing, increased sales, increased customer satisfaction, mind set change, stress management, leadership / Managerial corporate trainings etc.
These trainings allow you to save your precious currency of time, because money you can always get back but the currency of time once spent can never be earned back. The fact that the same time can allow your business to have grown multiple times is also a point to consider.
Therefore, in order to allow businesses to speed up their excellence, we sit with the business owners or decision makers and inquire to identify where their businesses lack in terms of human capacity and effectiveness. We then work towards forming a custom made training program to help them solve their problem.
Few of our interesting topics:
- Leadership Development.
- Emotional Intelligence.
- Persuasion and negotiation skills
- Employee Engagement.
- Time Management/Productivity
- Customer Service.
- Business Email/Writing.