How to earn profit from Website Optimisation?

What is Website optimisation Whether you are someone who wants to earn money through blogging and website advertisement, or is a small business venture. Starting a Website and earning money via that is a difficult task. Before giving views about how this earning through Website optimization works, let go through […]

When to Hire a Consultant?

Any business that isn’t showing profitable results is a burden to its owner, such situations could usually be evident through frequent ups and downs. For instance, a company facing major loses on its new business project. The Chief executive officer of the company called all its middle management to come […]

5 ways to emotional intelligence

Is your boss a very demanding and aggressive person? who doesn’t like to listen to your ideas or proposals?  You feel trapped and like a robot under him? Although, he seems to be great at his work but your motivation to work under him is dying every day? Truth is, […]

How you are losing money without correct accounting setup

If you play with numbers, digits and values, did you ever think of recording, analyzing, maintaining, budgeting, classifying and summarizing financial transactions in a certain manner. Or were you so busy making profits or increasing the sales that you did not bother to evaluate your finances. You as a small […]

How to save taxes and why?

Are you a tax payer? If yes, do you know that government has provided both businesses owners and salaries individuals many ways by which they can save their taxes? Planning your taxes and adjusting your earnings by availing exemptions will help you finance your budget each year. Here is a […]

5 Tips on marketing the right way

First of all, we all know that right marketing is the key to success of every business. The one who knows what corresponds with his customers can sell any product. Not everyone is going to buy everything and that is why a good marketer understands his product well, knows how […]

Corporate Training

Owner’s Knowledge Gap: Do you know an average CEO reads 5 books a month, that’s how important self-development and training is. The SME’s and Individual business owners are experts of what they are delivering to the society however, they sometimes struggle in better positioning themselves to find the right customers, […]

Financial Services

FINANCIAL CONSULTANCY Today Finance is getting more and more complex to deal with. However, we don’t wish our clients to take the headache of that. We therefore, using our expert team of Chartered Accountants and ICEWs are inspired to work with you and assist you with your finance and accounting […]

New Philosophy to stress management

Do you know stress is the cause of almost 90% of all our diseases? It is the major contributor in reducing the life span of people and is regarded as one of the deadliest of conditions you can have. This is because all types of diseases stem from this emotional […]